
Alternate Media Production Manual (Self-Paced)



Full course description


Fulfilling an accommodation for alternate media for a student can take one of many paths, depending on the alternate media needed, and the availability and quality of the original materials being converted.  A student needing alternate format may need accessible/readable PDF files, clean and well-organized Microsoft Word files, more complex Microsoft Word files that include math or STEM content, HTML documents, or Braille. 

This self-paced micro course will introduce you to the various methods for making accessible reading materials for students with print disabilities. You will also learn how to track/monitor requests and delivery of materials so that materials are delivered in a timely manner and with excellent quality.  Throughout the course, you will have opportunities to practice the alternate media production skills you are learning.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Collect student requests, research and complete missing information for that request, and acquire electronic files for the production of alternate media.
  • Create a tracking and monitoring system for requests through the life-cycle of the production and delivery of the alternate media to the student.
  • Create good quality, accessible electronic files for use by students with print disabilities.

Sign up for this course today!
