
Equity & Culturally Responsive Teaching (25SP-ECRT-4)

Apr 7, 2025 - May 4, 2025
3 credits

Spots remaining: 13


Full course description


This course will guide you through a critical journey of becoming an equity-minded educator with the goal of cultivating inclusive experiences that empower all students to achieve their full intellectual capacity. As a participant in this course, you will apply principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning (CRTL) to your online course. In a collaborative peer-to-peer learning environment, you will analyze your core teaching values, interrogate your online teaching practices, and leave the course with an equity-minded syllabus and an action plan to continue to advance equity in your course and institution. 


  1. Analyze your assumptions and beliefs about the diverse students served by California community colleges;
  2. Interrogate the alignment of your teaching values and teaching practices;
  3. Apply principles of Culturally Responsive Teaching & Learning (CRTL) to your online course;
  4. Identify and discuss course-level barriers that disproportionately impact minoritized students including unconscious bias, microaggressions, stereotype threat, and privilege and power; 
  5. Create an equity-minded course syllabus leveraging peer feedback that welcomes and supports all students;
  6. Write an action plan that describes how you will continue to advance your equity-minded online teaching practices.

Duration: 4 weeks

Time Commitment: approximately 10 hours per week, for a total of 40 hours

Level of Difficulty: Intermediate.

Optional Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

Participants in this course can seek optional graduate-level university credit by dual-enrolling in TEC 1841 at Fresno Pacific University. A separate fee due to FPU will apply.




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