Teaching with OER and Open Pedagogy for Equity (25SP-ZTCTEACH-1)
Feb 8, 2025 - Mar 8, 2025
2 credits
Spots remaining: 0
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Full course description
This course explores the connections between equity, Open Educational Resources (OER), open pedagogy, and culturally responsive pedagogy. You will look at a variety of real-world examples (e.g., non-disposable assignments, open student projects, open course design, culturally-relevant OER) and be asked to consider: how might you implement these approaches in your own teaching? What are some concrete actions you can take in your own course to create more culturally responsive spaces for your students and transform your teaching and learning using OER or open pedagogy?
- Identify opportunity gaps in higher education
- Differentiate between equity and deficit cognitive frames
- Identify the impacts of textbook costs, particularly for historically underserved students
- Explore OER for your discipline
- Describe open pedagogy and non-disposable/renewable assignments
- Explore the ways in which open pedagogical practices might support culturally responsive pedagogy
- Develop an action plan that describes how you intend to integrate OER or open pedagogy in your own course
- Fulfills: This introductory course is designed for those developing ZTC pathway programs at California community colleges.
- Duration: 4 weeks
- Time Commitment: Approximately 36 hours
- Pre-requisite: None
- Level of Difficulty: Beginning
Optional Graduate-Level University Credit
Participants in this course can seek optional graduate-level university credits through Fresno Pacific University. A separate fee due to FPU will apply. To learn more, visit the FPU @ONE Online Courses page.